Aicha Louriqate
I am a Biological Sciences major. I'm interested in The Aafiyah Project because of its outreach to under-resourced and overlooked minority groups, some of them being communities that I myself identify with. My future aspirations involve medical school and a career in healthcare. I hope that through volunteering, I will benefit the communities that The Aafiyah Project serves as well as improve my communication and interpersonal skills as a future medical professional.
Anna Boyer
I am so excited to be a part of The Aafiyah Project this year! I am a Biology major with a concentration in nursing and a minor in Gender and Women’s Studies. I plan on getting my masters in Nursing in the hopes to eventually become a Nurse Practitioner Ob/Gyn. The Aafiyah Project seemed like a great fit for me because of our shared interest in healthcare disparities and the health of women and children. I am excited to begin working with the organization.
Halima Thomas
I am a Public Health major at UMBC. I am interested in working with The Aafiyah Project because the mission statement aligns with my passion, which is to promote health and wellness in minority populations for better health outcomes. In the future, I hope to earn a MPH and Nursing degrees and continue working towards alleviating health disparities. I'm excited to work with The Aafiyah Project and see what we can accomplish during the coming months!
Kayla Fomengia
I’m excited to join The Aafiyah Project! I am a Biology major with a minor in Psychology on the pre-medical track at UMBC, with the dream of becoming a physician who helps and works with underserved communities. I have always enjoyed helping people and believe this opportunity to promote health, wellness, and academic achievement in communities with The Aafiyah Project is a great way to continue working toward that dream.

Krupa Rami
I am a pre-Nursing major and I am super excited to be part of The Aafiyah Project because of its focus on promoting health and wellness around our community. I would love to give back to the community and help as much as I can. My future aspiration is to become a nurse. And through The Aafiyah Project, I can help out in the community as well as gain a better understanding of health disparities.
Olaedo Onukwubiri
I am a Biochemistry and Molecular Biology major (pre-Pharmacy). I am interested in the The Aafiyah Project because I’d like to learn more about health disparities, especially being a black woman. I would like to help tackle such issues in our world. My future aspirations consist of going to pharmacy school and hopefully becoming a speciality drug / nuclear pharmacist or a pharmaceutical researcher.
Rokhaya Kane
I am a double major in Biology and Public Health (pre-Medical track) because of my passion for medicine and global health. After completing my degree, I plan on getting an MD-MPH. I joined The Aafiyah Project because I’m interested in promoting health and wellness around the community and I thought this would be the perfect way to give back to the community.
Shivam Ravi
I am a Political Science & Psychology major on a pre-Law track here at UMBC. I joined The Aafiyah Project because it caught my eye with its interest in valuing the importance of health and wellness in the community. Promoting health and wellness is a necessary cause, and I hope to help contribute towards that goal through this project. I am more than excited about my role here at The Aafiyah Project!